How does my startup dashboard work?
Your startup dashboard is unique to each individual startup that you create. You only need to create a startup profile once, after that it's as simple as updating it when you want to apply to a new program or want to share the progress your company has been making.
From your startup dashboard you can:
- Apply to open MassChallenge Programs
- Monitor your progress on any Program application
- Manage your Startup in the following ways
- Edit your Startup Profile
- Change Visibility Mode
- Add or Edit Team Members
- Preview Your Profile
Startup Dashboard Overview
Top Navigation
The top navigation items are a convenient way to navigate within your startup dashboard.
Edit Profile
To edit your startup profile click the blue,"Edit Profile" button located to the right of the top navigation items.
User Profile
To update your personal information, click on your name in the upper right corner of the screen.
Upcoming Programs
This section will display any program that is currently accepting applications. Clicking the,"Apply now" button below the name of the program that you want to apply to will direct you to the beginning of the application process.